Penguin Chat 3

we are sorry, we have quit making penguin chat 3 but we are remaking ICP. Please Wait here and we will post a link to the website of ICP


Chat is up but will close soon


chat is back up

Penguin Chat 3 Puffle Sneak Peek!

You asked, we listened! Penguin Chat 3 puffles are now coming out in a next release of our version. Sorry Jimmy, but Penguin Chat 3 comes first! Here is a few sneak peeks of the puffle colors:

These will be the only sneak peek of our Penguin Chat 3 puffles. We are going to try to release it during Feb. BUT not 100% sure.

Information About Test Chat

Hey guys! We have bad news, should I say them? Well, okay I guess. The bad news is the Jimmy's Test Chat for Penguin Chat 3 is currently down, or deleted do to hackers "hacking it". Or adding virus's in the .swf file. We are not the hackers hacking it. Jimmy has claimed that he had deleted the .swf file. And that he doesn't want anyone on his account, or if you do you will be IP banned forever from his chat. We have no information on if it's going to be back, when we do we will post the information so you guys can get back on.

Penguin Chat 3

Chat is down is currently down or deleted

Hello My Name Is Water

Hello Everyone! My name is Water and I am Cyrus friend! We will be posting news about Penguin Chat 3 24 hours a day.