Hey guys! Since you have read the title, yes PC3 Server test is NOW out! I think it is a mini version of the full version coming SOON! I am hoping that it will be great. Also, if you would like to see what it has in it and want the link, KEEP ON READING!
It has:

  • User list
  • Messages list
  • Send message
  • Protection
  • Rules
  • Decoration
  • Rooms
Okay, that is about it for what it has (infact that is what it only has :D).
Now I am thinking that you would like the link now and my opinion about it. The link is HERE!
The protection is NOT so great (you can't even get banned). Now, the protection is really bad let's say when you cuss on Penguin Chat 3 you get banned (I'm not really even sure hahah.) But on this test chat it just kicks you out. And you can even hack it. This involves making your self a mod, spam, make rooms, change user lists, change your name, ect. I am not going on the how to do that (this will shut down IF I did.) Well, you can also decompile it with a program. This program is just like Flash CS4 (I have it XD).

Please use the game like you would treat Club Penguin. And if you treat Club Penguin BAD treat it nice!! Or Jimmy (owner) will delete the swf and not work on the game for everyone can play it.