Hey ya guys! I have good news... and some bad news. Well, the first good news is that I will release a sneak peek of the so called game 'Penguin Chat 3'. So, yeah! But, you all must agree not to decompile this program/game at all. If you do I will close down the game and this website forever. Okay, now we have all this free time for the bad news. Well.... I have a problem with the moderator button the playercard. There for we will be having everyone as moderators until I find a way to fix it. As I said in the last post on what I was going to add. If you can correct my Flash Coding right here that will be great:
on (release)
Well, this was supposed to change the quality in the game. I need someone to correct it and Penguin Chat 3 will have a extra feature. :D I hope you can fix it! 

Penguin Chat 3